Eternal Recurrence is a concept that the universe, all existence and energy has been recurring, and will continue to recur, in a self-similar form an infinite number of times across infinite time and space. Frozen in time, Cuba is a utopia, an idea of a communist society that could be perfect, but for its relationship of love and hate with its great American neighbour.

Its been a year since the passing of Fidel Castro.

My last trip to Cuba made me realise that nothing has changed since Fidel's brother, Raul, inherited power. Major changes are yet to come when Raul steps down. The nature of those changes, however, will also depend on the palpably fragile relationship with United States.

Many Cubans have relatives in the U. S., and they soak up their sports and culture. Cuba cheered when relations were restored by Obama’s administration, especially when he visited the island in 2016 - the first U. S. president to do so in 88 years.

The lack of communication with the rest of the world keeps Cuba isolated from us, only something that is afforded only one day a week and is called “el paquete” or the package.

Since the reinstatement of the relations with Washington, the Cuban government has repeatedly stated that it will hold talks on any topic the U. S..
 While there hasn't been much progress, both governments have already begun discussions on thorny issues like human rights, fugitives and repatriations for the U. S. citizens whose property was seized after the Cuban Revolution.

Cuba is probably one of the last places on earth where people are not connected to their smartphones and people have so much to say. It has captured my imagination and heart.The next two years can be crucial to Cuba, and I hope to return and document the forthcoming years of a social and political change that we are about to see.




Klong Toei